Book Keeping
Book keeping does little more than record the financial transactions of a business.
Boston Accountants recognises how difficult it is to keep on top of the book keeping whilst attending to all the other demands of a modern business.Our book keepers have many years of experience working with our clients.
Self Assessment
Self Assessment is a legal responsibility to declare any income you may receive that is not already taxed.
If you work for yourself, are a Company Director or receive any untaxed income not collected under a PAYE scheme,
you will need to complete a Self Assessment Return, The penalties for not completing your return on time can be very high.
HMRC Disputes
H M Revenue & Customs now has very wide ranging powers to investigate personal and business affairs at will. They may be entitled to enter premises without notice to seek documents relevant to your tax affairs and they have draconian new penalty regimes established to maximise the amount of money that they can extract from clients.
MORE ...Corporation Tax
Duis rutrum magna nec nunc tempus vestibulum. Donec vitae diam ut mi volutpat semper nec tristique ligula. Nam vel augue augue, vel ultrices enim. Donec mattis sollicitudin velit eu luctus. Pellentesque aliquet consectetur erat, vitae accumsan purus sagittis non. Aliquam aliquet metus sit amet arcu pharetra faucibus.
MORE ...CIS Returns
Boston Accountants offers a fast, easy service for the Construction Industry worker.
If you are working under the CIS scheme at least 20% of you income will have already been deducted in Tax. This is certaily more than you owe and you can expect to get a refund of about £1500, but you must ask!
Payroll Preparation
Duis rutrum magna nec nunc tempus vestibulum. Donec vitae diam ut mi volutpat semper nec tristique ligula. Nam vel augue augue, vel ultrices enim. Donec mattis sollicitudin velit eu luctus. Pellentesque aliquet consectetur erat, vitae accumsan purus sagittis non. Aliquam aliquet metus sit amet arcu pharetra faucibus.
MORE ...Business Plans
Duis rutrum magna nec nunc tempus vestibulum. Donec vitae diam ut mi volutpat semper nec tristique ligula. Nam vel augue augue, vel ultrices enim. Donec mattis sollicitudin velit eu luctus. Pellentesque aliquet consectetur erat, vitae accumsan purus sagittis non. Aliquam aliquet metus sit amet arcu pharetra faucibus.
MORE ...Tax Investigations
Duis rutrum magna nec nunc tempus vestibulum. Donec vitae diam ut mi volutpat semper nec tristique ligula. Nam vel augue augue, vel ultrices enim. Donec mattis sollicitudin velit eu luctus. Pellentesque aliquet consectetur erat, vitae accumsan purus sagittis non. Aliquam aliquet metus sit amet arcu pharetra faucibus.
MORE ...Management Accounts
Duis rutrum magna nec nunc tempus vestibulum. Donec vitae diam ut mi volutpat semper nec tristique ligula. Nam vel augue augue, vel ultrices enim. Donec mattis sollicitudin velit eu luctus. Pellentesque aliquet consectetur erat, vitae accumsan purus sagittis non. Aliquam aliquet metus sit amet arcu pharetra faucibus.
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