Boston Accountants offer an accountancy service tailored to meet the needs of the moment. Our external consultants ensure we always have the expertise you require."
Welcome Note!
These pages contain a summary of the services we offer to our clients. In addition to the team based in Boston we are able to call on colleagues from around the UK who are experts in their fields.
You will also find detailed advice pages to help you manage your business.
Self Assessment
Self Assessment can be Taxing. Self Assesment a simple method of Tax Calculation has become a head ache for millions in this country. Everyone earning or making money and not paying tax on that money through a PAYE scheme will be expected to complete a Self Assessment Form each year. Our help can often save you thousands on overpaid tax.
A New Business?
Starting a new business is an exciting and challenging time. The rewards can be good even excellent, but the myriad of laws and the associated penalties for transgression can prove a daunting experience. We have helped hundreds to make a succesful start.
Tax Investigations
H M Revenue & Customs now has very wide ranging powers to investigate personal and business affairs at will. In some circumstances they are entitled to enter premises without notice to seek documents relevant to your tax affairs. Our prompt advice can save you money time and even your business.
Book Keeping!
Many small to medium size businesses struggle to maintain accurate accounts. Often due to the pressure of the work keeping the customers happy, the bookwork gets left for another day. We understand the problems- work on line with our help, or we keep your accounts for a reasonable charge.
Sometimes despite all your efforts it is obvious that the financial problems besetting your business cannot be solved and you must cease trading. Boston Accoutants understand the heartache you are facing and can at least point you in the right direction.
Welcome Note!
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